
Turkin V.  „Family Law Act. Commentaries and Explanations”. Tallinn, 2007. 141 pgs.

Turkin V. „Cases in Family Law”. Tallinn, 2007.  171 pgs.

Turkin V.  „Decisions of Estonian Supreme Court in Family Law”.  Tallinn, 2008. 543 pgs.

Turkin, V. „Decisions of Estonian Supreme Court in Employment Law”. Tallinn, 2008. 821 pgs.

horizontal ruler


Turkin, V, Maksing M.  „Divorce as a luxury.”. Eesti Päevaleht 03.02.2009
Turkin, V. „After the Cohabitation.” Eesti Päevaleht. 10.05.2011
Turkin, V. „Losing the Custody.” Eesti Päevaleht. 21.05.2012
Turkin, V. „Child Protection – for whom?” Postimees. 07.05.2013
Turkin, V. „A Big Shame in Front of Europe”. Postimees 13.12.2013